Cops busted the owner of a flame-throwing scooter, on Thursday. Everybody wants a flame thrower on a motor bike,” plumber Colin Furze told the U.K.’s Telegraph before getting arrested on a highway north of London.
The bike shoots 15ft flames from behind. He built it just before Christmas, and posted videos of himself using it on YouTube.
"I don’t need a flame thrower on the back of my bike, I’m not going to set fire to people’s car’s, it’s just something interesting to do,” said the daredevil.
Furze, 30, was apprehended Thursday, when police spotted him driving his new ride on the highway in Stamford, Lincolnshire, a small community about 160 kilometres north of London.
The Telegraph reports that Curze was being held on suspicion of possessing an object converted into a firearm. He was released on unconditional police bail without charge pending further police investigation. Curze would not comment following the arrest.
Nice scooter, bro. I would have no problem riding this Vespa around town; if I didn't have any pride. Listen guy, I know your life sucks because you just clean human defecation out of shitters all day but, your flame-thrower vespa aint cool, and it aint getting you laid.
Don't mistake what I'm saying, the flamethrower is gnar but, the bike is as gay as it gets. You can spend all your time making this sick flamethrower but ultimately, you're attaching it on your pussy bike. Which, doesn't make you any kind of daredevil superhero. "OHHH, look at my flamethrower scooter, I'm badass." No, you're not. You're a plumber with a 6hp scooter and a sick flamethrower. Take that shit to provincetown. I just roasted you, bitch.
PS- Check this guy out trying to impress this chick with a wheelie. Everything looks gay on a scooter. Fucking fail.
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