He was reversing into a space when his foot became stuck between the accelerator and the brake.
The Mercedes shot back so fast it punched a hole in the wall and was left dangling perilously over the edge.
The death-defying accident happened on the seventh floor of the block in Tulsa, Oklahoma, US.
The unnamed driver, 67, escaped unharmed — but the C-class sent bricks raining down on cars parked at ground level below smashing windscreens.
Corporal David Crow, from the Tulsa Police Department, said: "We're very lucky no-one was walking there."
The authorities were able to drive the car forward because its rear wheels had not completely slipped off the edge.
A witness across the street said: "It's the craziest thing I've ever seen.
"There was a loud boom and we all looked up and saw the car coming through the wall." "

Jesus fuck, Who drives $50,000 mercedes benz through a fucking brick wall. When i first saw this picture I legitmately thought it was just one of those body shops that have the car "coming through the wall". The oklhoma police probally heard that shit and thought it was Timothy Mcvieh coming back for round two or someshit.
I can see just how all of this really happened:
The guys got like 5 months left until his retirement from his dumbass bullshit job that hes been working for 34 years, his wife calls him the second he gets into work and says, "honey lets to do lunch", he repondes " honey lets do IT", she says no pick me and well go to panera. So hes got 5 hours at work until lunch to think about how fucking terrible lunch is gunna be with his old wrinkly ass wife. As he walks out, the secretary gives him a wink and he thinks to himself, "Fuck, let me get on that". so he jumps in his cr picks his wife up and argues with her the whole entire way spinning his tires on every corner he see's, theres too long of a wait at panera so she talks him into going to get Arby's at the local shopping mall. GUY HATES ARBYS, just hates those fuckin curly fries and doesnt want to eat roast beef because his looks like his wifes...well..you know.. He goes to park, all furious and shit, BAM, through the wall and his wife says" what are you doing", he responds, " Sorry Honey, I just had to shake the old out of you"