NEW HAVEN, Conn. - Police in one Connecticut city have a warning for nightclub patrons: Don't call 911 for a ride home.
New Haven police say that's what 28-year-old Quandria (KWAN'-dree-ah) Bailey did, calling the emergency line six times to request a ride from a nightclub back to her Meriden home.
Bailey was charged with six counts of misuse of the 911 system early Sunday. She was released on a $1,000 bond and is scheduled to appear in court May 5.
A telephone number for Bailey could not immediately be located Sunday and it was unclear whether she had an attorney.
Honestly I can't really blame this chick for doing what she did. The same exact thought has ran through my head while im at the bar and dont feel like walking up the hill. The hill is steep and the cops patrol around the neighborhood about 20 cars deep not doing a damm thing. With a motto of "protect and serve" how about you protect and serve my drunk ass with a 3 minute ride home, i mean im pretty sure its on your way to nowhereville anyways right. Shit, even if you have to do your cop duty of breaking up a party i got no problem waiting in the car, hell, drop me off at the party for all I care. If your looking for me on May 5th just go to the Quandria Bailey court case and look for the loud obnoxious white guy screaming fight the power, just totally taking shit way too serious.
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hahaha stick it to the man.
ReplyDeleteUHOP has a great transportation service...
ReplyDeleteya but dude if they give u a ride home that would interrupt all the gay sex they have with each other in their cars. U can't get in the way of love man.