The Rutland Herald said officials estimate the bear had its head stuck in the old fashioned milk can for at least six hours before it was found.
Fish and Wildlife Biologist Forrest Hammond said the bear had been running and bumping into trees and boulders.

Hah! Silly bear getting his head stuck in the milk jug again. Adorable. I love those cuddly little things and this is not the first time i have heard a story like this (Replace that milk jug with a honey jar and im reminded of a little guy named winnie the pooh). 6 hours straight just slurping down that sweet sweet milk having the time of his life, I would'nt even be surprised if that bear would of been content dieing in that milk jug, it was his happy place. Reminds me of when my buddy Slice pissed in a 40 of Old E and got stuck.
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