KURE BEACH, N.C. - A North Carolina town that the mayor called "Mayberry with a beach" has banned swimmers from wearing thongs.
Kure (kyoor-EE) Beach Mayor Dean Lambeth says "we're going to keep this as close to Mayberry with a beach as you can keep it," referring to the idyllic Southern community portrayed on the 1960s TV series "The Andy Griffith Show."
The Star-News of Wilmington reports that the town council voted Thursday to add a ban against the revealing swimwear to its existing ordinance against nudity.
The move came after the police chief received an e-mail earlier in the week asking if the town's existing nude bathing ordinance allowed thongs.
The ordinance bans nudity or "insufficient clothing," and the man wanted to know if thongs were allowed for both men and women.
Dean Lambeth needs a reality check. If a Betty walks by andy griffith with her sweet ass hanging out of a pink, skin tight thong with camel toe flashing I can guarantee even honorable Mr. Andy Griffith's tongue is gonna roll 5 inches out of his mouth while he drools over his own dick at that sweet peice of ass. Thats the nature of man. Now I can't say for certain that ole Dean over here is a bonafide pole smoker but I would'nt be surprised if the mayor of "gayberry with a beach" is a 100% pickle sniffer. Well i guess to each town there own and the mayor can do what he wants but Mayor Lambeth doesn't need to sugarcoat the fact that he's a sausage tugger because I see right through that line of bullshit. Stay classy Gayberry.
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