"COLUMBIA, Mo. (AP) — Two Columbia sanitation workers who apparently couldn't stand by and let beer go down the drain allegedly took dozens of cases of expired brew from the city landfill.
Police and city supervisors are trying to determine whether the salvage was a crime — theft of city property — or just a policy violation.
"If we determine it's a police matter, we will take some action," said officer Jessie Haden, a Columbia police spokeswoman.
A Columbia distributor, Scheppers Distributing Co., sent 1,500 cases of expired beer to the landfill on April 1 in two shipments. The first shipment was destroyed immediately, but the second, containing about 700 cases of Budweiser and Michelob Ultra, was not.
Margrace Buckler, the city's human resource director, said two Solid Waste Division workers, who haven't been identified, brought a city pickup to the landfill and hauled off about 50 cases of the beer.
Word spread of the acquisition. A week later, city officials reviewed video from the landfill and saw the workers drive away with their haul. City officials say they still don't know what happened to the beer."
Talk about a major buzz kill. I mean, if your gunna have a beer, you drink the whole thing, if your gunna sell beer, sell all of it, dont fuckin throw it away.
So,Homebre pablo here, and his buddy Jose get 50 cases of free Budweiser, goes home and prob gets smashed with his buddy from the landfill, they are hammerred, they call up there trashy girlfreinds, (get it? they work at a trash dump, their GF's are trashy), and then just have a grand-ole-time.
Within tryin to "Save-the-beer", the city see's they have done wrong. Whats so wrong? YOUR WASTING 1600 CASES OF BEER FOR FUCK SAKE. Thats like free beer for a semester.
Its fucked up too, the can lady comes around once a day, goin in and out of yards, trash and shit, Gettin good n' dirty. AND shes making money, how is that not illegal, its still beer bottles, 5 cents each. Pablo and Jose are just trying to get a good buzz...
..its friday, the celtics play tonight, get yourself some budweiser, and lets get fucked up.
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