BOSTON - Massachusetts Gov. Deval Patrick lifted a boil water order Tuesday morning for 2 million people in Boston area who were told their tap water could be unsafe after a crucial water main failed over the weekend.
Authorities said tests showed the water in 29 communities is now safe for drinking. Saugus is still under the order, pending test results expected early Tuesday.
Patrick had issued the order Saturday the 10-foot-wide pipe in Weston failed. Crews raced to repair the pipe, and authorities had been waiting for the results of water quality tests before lifting the order.
Thank Fucking God. I havent showered since friday, I have been brushing my teeth and rinsing with Dr. pepper, washing my hands with bleach, and overall my body was just went into decay mode as soon as I heard the "don't drink the water" news. I mean, im just not ready for a catastrophe like that. It was so bad I couldn't even blog about it until it was over. I mean I thought I could handle it, I straight up laughed in the face of water when I first heard the news, but slowly and broke me down.
Friday night I got bombed, i mean like tanked. I drank for 13 hours straight which included about 7 jack n cokes, 8 beers, and then i got home at 2:30 and saw a keg in my kitchen with a crowd that wanted to party. I went to sleep about 8 beers later while I watched the sun rise and the beautiful sound of the morning birds chirping. Saturday I woke up around 1pm, smile on my face and ready to go ready to start drinking some more. I showered up, got in touch with people with a common interest and we began our Saturday. I cracked a wachusett at 3pm and was notified "Dont Drink The Water", I recieved more texts about this than I recieved on my birthday, Christmas, and when my balls dropped combined. "HAH" i said, "HAH! Fuck water! you see how much booze I have bro?!? Water can suck my liver's dick!" Needless to say I had an awesome saturday night which faded into a blackout sunday morning on a hammock in southie. I was in all my "water is for pussies Glory" feeling like a million bucks.
And then I woke up. The drought was still in affect and I was awake. I was scared, malnourished, weak, and more than anything I was thirsty as Fuck for a glass of water. "Oh man oh man I want some H20, ouchhh, ssss, ouuucchhh". This shit was in affect and I wasn't ready. I don't boil water, thats just not my style. I went to the store, reached for the last package of Poland Spring and got pushed out of the fucking way by 3 teenage Puerto Rican kids who I was 100% not about to fuck around with. Mother fucker's were wearing gym shorts and looked dead ass serious about quenching their thirst.
So I was fucked. I mean I woke up on a kitchen floor and just demolished my liver for 24 out of the past 33 hours for Christ's sake. God hit me with this drought for all the bad shit I had ever done and was intent on making me suffer. Throughout Sunday I: fainted twice, cryed thrice, puked up alcohol once, puked up blood once, and had the shakes for 13 hours straight. How many more days could I last I thought. I had to persevere.
Monday. After waking up in my own piss due to night terror's and being too weak to control my bodily functions, I checked the news...."Dont Drink The Water". OMG WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH THIS TOWN! I threw the biggest temper tantrum a grown man has ever had. The neighbors heard. Little kids were laughing at me. Dogs started barking. Swamp ass set in. My feet got cold. It was going to be a rough day. I became a religous man. I prayed to every God I have ever heard of. I called and apologized to every person i have ever been mean too. I bought herpacil for every unsuspecting girl I hurt. I was on a mission to Right my Wrongs and earn back God's respect by the end of the day. Maybe you could call it a mission from God.
Well today I woke up, guess what mother fucker....the water's clean.
Im back Bitch. Everyone knows that What Dont Kill ya Makes Ya More Strong AND I AM A FUCKING BEAST SO WATCH THE FUCK OUT!
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