NORTHAMPTON, Mass. (AP) — The victim might have forgiven the woman who ran him down in a Massachusetts crosswalk, but police haven't.
Police say a Pittsfield woman has been cited for running down a man named Lord Jesus Christ as he crossed a street in Northampton on Tuesday.
The 50-year-old man is from Belchertown. Officers checked his ID and discovered that, indeed, his legal name is Lord Jesus Christ. He was taken to the hospital for treatment of minor facial injuries.
Police say 20-year-old Brittany Cantarella was cited for failing to yield to a pedestrian in a crosswalk.
My boy Jesus Christ just minding his own business going for a stroll and Bam! 20 year-old Brittany Cantarella blows through the crosswalk like a bat out of hell on a mission from Satan and totally blasts LJC getting him all facialized and shit. Can't say I blame the chick though ya know probably just trying to get her 15 minutes of fame, and it worked too, because before today I had no idea who the little devil woman was. But my real question of this story is, was this Jesus freak (literally and figuratively) born with this odd-ball name or did he he have it changed. Either way it's a pretty ballsy move and I kind of hate it but kind of like it at the same time. I wonder if it gets him laid.
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